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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Gert Wossner Posted by Picasa


  • At 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Mr. Eades,

    I just happened upon your blog site by looking up the names of Grant High School teachers and was so pleased to see your photos from the gathering at the Matterhorn Chef!

    Gert Wossner was my all-time favorite English teacher at Grant. He was well loved by many students in my class (Class of Summer 1970). I was thrilled to see his photo in your gallery!

    Mr. Wossner's classes were always so challenging and his lectures, although sometimes over my head, kept me totally riveted. I hope that I was able to soak up half of what he had tried to teach me!

    I so remember being fascinated by his description of Deus ex machina!

    Although I don't remember you well from Grant, I do remember the student reviews as being favorable.

    Well, thanks for letting this 53 year old ramble on about another time and place...and thank you, once again, for sharing your photos.

    Carolyn Uhri

  • At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Gert Wossner was my English teacher and my Creative Writing teacher during the late 1960s. He combined a wry sense of humor with a love of things classic and great.

    For our Creative Writing term project, we had to write a story and send it to a magazine. I "wrote about what I knew" (motocross racing) and sent my story to CYCLE WORLD. It was accepted, and published in January 1968. I've been writing ever since, and credit Gert Wossner with having provided a solid philosophical foundation to my approach to narrative arts.

  • At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Ken Hubbard Valedictorian Class 1980 said…

    Gert Wossner was my AP English Teacher as well as my German Teacher for 3yrs. But more than that he was a true mentor and dare I say a friend. He and a handful of other Grant teachers-Judy Marcus, Arthur Benveniste, Joe Feinstein- had a profound influence not only academically but more importantly on how to deal with the world I was about to face after leaving the cloistered environs of high school. He was truly one of kind.


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