Why Ask For the Moon . . . . . . . ..When We Have the Stars ??

IMAGES OF FRIENDS . . .Click on images to see a larger version

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

GRANT RETIREES GATHER AT BARONE'S (formerly the Matterhorn Chef . . . formerly Hoppe's Old Heidelberg)



Art and Patsy

Dick and Art


  Posted by PicasaFlora, Barbara, Joan and Harold
Melva, Fran and Paul

Vini and Shirley

Shirley and Art
Bob Martin, Harold Phelps and Melva Heinsohn

Dan, Gert and Bob

Dan, Gert and Bob

Fran and Pat

Judy and Shirley

Art and Bob

For more pictures of the GRANT retirees, scroll down to the September 21 posting below: