Why Ask For the Moon . . . . . . . ..When We Have the Stars ??

IMAGES OF FRIENDS . . .Click on images to see a larger version

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

John Westervelt


  • At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes I remember Mr. Westerveldt and his arrival to Grant High on his bicycle. Although I stunk as a student I always respected the man.

  • At 10:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Where's the blue work shirt?

  • At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Melinda (Marti) Hagenson, class of '76 said…

    Mr. Westervelt was my very favorite teacher at Grant. I'm so happy to see this picture--I hope he's still doing well, and I hope that if you ever see him, you'll tell him he's remembered with great fondness and gratitude.


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